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Kayak DC!

Kayaking is more than a fast-growing sport, or extremes, it’s about creating new memories and friendships that last a lifetime. Our unique beginner lessons and tour programs offer everything you need – quality instruction, free equipment use, flexible long-term scheduling, and much more!
Our progressions have won awards and recognition from the American Canoe Association, and have been a driving force behind the growth of the DC paddling community featured in many national publications.

(NPR, September 6, 2022)

A Guide to the Potomac River

(Washingtonian, September 20, 2020)
We commend your decision to consider kayaking and invite you to check out our programs and sign up today! 
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Check Out Our Programs...

Beginner Whitewater Package

Our Whitewater Membership Package gives you up to two years to master whitewater kayaking at your own pace, and we provide all the gear! Take the four courses at your leisure over a two-year period, during which time you can hone your skills and make friends in the paddling community at the coached weeknight practice sessions. Our friendly, non-intimidating approach has helped make this a top whitewater program in the region.

Beginner Adventure Package

The Adventure Kayaking Beginner Lesson Package offers structured 3-hour lessons for beginners and experienced paddlers in calm, protected bodies of water. It covers kayaking, gear, launching, landing, core muscle technique, and capsize recovery. Students must provide their own paddling clothing. The Intermediate Lesson Package offers challenging lessons for students to advance into open water and windy conditions.

Beginner Tour

The Flatwater Membership offers five guided trips for people with limited paddling experience, including calm water, stable kayaks, and friendly instruction. It includes free equipment rentals and a quick-start lesson. The trips are run by a professional instructor and have flexible scheduling over a two-year period. Participants can enjoy a variety of wildlife, including bald eagles, great blue herons, wild turkeys, owls, deer, beavers, and rays.

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